Hello. Welcome.

I'm Debra Marie.

I encourage, support, & serve:

πŸ‘‰ People on their healing journeys.

πŸ‘‰ People seeking true connection.

πŸ‘‰ People facing life transitions.

πŸ‘‰ People rising from religious trauma.

πŸ‘‰ People of faith navigating a new life.

πŸ‘‰ People living life on purpose.

Life Coach, Teacher, Author, Content Creator, & Friend

Ways To Work With Me

Healing Religious Trauma

One-On-One Life Coaching

Be seen, heard, understood, and supported through one-on-one life coaching, guidance, and education.

Navigate a new life, heal from religious trauma, walk through life’s transitions, and live your life on purpose with the support and guidance you need.

I specialize in teaching a unique and effective path to healing religious trauma with a foundation in Common Sense Psychologyβ„’ and other methods and techniques that Jesus used.

Get a coaching package and I’ll stand by your side to support you and help you to create a life you love.Β 


Healing Religious Trauma

Read about my journey of overcoming generational spiritual abuse and religious trauma in my book HE IS ENOUGH.

I wrote this book so you could see what a journey of transformation looks like and to show you how you can overcome religious trauma, too.

I also created a mini-course, TRUTH OVER TRADITION, to guide you on a path that will help you get started on your healing journey.

Get the book, audiobook, and mini-course.Β 


Stronglife Community

We bring together the scattered flock of God’s fold healing from religious trauma to re-frame our connection to God by unraveling the trauma, instilling the truth, and creating a new story.

In this environment of Unconditional Love, we’re discovering and learning to apply TOGETHER the true principles of healing found in the Bible and other inspired sources, including the methods and techniques that Jesus used with individuals.

Courses, Quests, Challenges, Group Coaching, Study Calls, Discussions, Chats, and more!

God’s LOVE is closer than you think!


Your wings already exist.

All you have to do is fly!

Soar above life’s difficulties and reach higher than ever before, so you can… reconnect to True Inspiration, overcome the hurts of the past, and look forward to each new day.

My dream. It may be yours too.

After facing hardship, loss, and challenging transitions in my own life, I understand just how isolated, alone, and even shamed a woman can feel while passing through the difficulties of life.

Be it divorce, death, rejection, betrayal, unrealized expectations, disappointments, the loss of spiritual, emotional, or financial support, as well as, other losses or tough transitions we all experience in our lives.

I learned during these times I didn’t need someone to fix me, pity me, tell me what to do, or pretend everything was all right. I needed someone to stand by my side. Listen without judgment. Love without conditions. Create a safe space for me. And ask the right questions. So I could discover the answers that would bring about the change I needed. You know?

Someone to collaborate with on building a new chapter in my life. Maybe write a whole new book for that matter!

And possibly give me a few useful tools to find my way into a purposeful life again filled with hopes and dreams.

And even though I had family and friends that loved me they didn’t always understand my needs and I didn’t want to burden them.


I dream that YOU don’t have to walk through it ALONE.Β  Any part of it.

From the “Dark Night of the Soul” to “Rebuilding a Brand New Life” beyond your imagination.

Is this your dream, too?

"Debra listened open-heartedly allowing the uncomfortable and personal to be spoken without shame or guilt or correction."

So, what is religious trauma?

Religious trauma, also known as spiritual or faith-based trauma refers to the psychological, emotional, and sometimes physical harm that can arise from one’s religious or spiritual beliefs, practices, or experiences. It occurs when individuals encounter distressing events or dynamics within a religious context that lead to long-lasting negative effects on their well-being.

Here are some common aspects of religious trauma: Authoritarianism, Guilt, and Shame, Fear of Hell or Punishment, Isolation, Abuse, Cognitive Dissonance, and Suppression of Individuality.

It’s important to note that religious trauma is a complex and nuanced phenomenon, and its impact varies from person to person. Some individuals may experience religious trauma acutely, while others may carry the effects into their lives in more subtle ways.

Have you been impacted by religious trauma? Take this survey.


Get the book, audiobook, and mini-course for $5.


My Life's Experience and Training Has Uniquely Equipped Me To Serve You In These Ways:

Supportive Companionship: I will stand by your side with care and understanding.

A Place of Love: We will create an environment of unconditional love.

Judgment-Free Listening: You will be heard and seen without judgment.

Life Purpose Unveiled: I’ll help you find the keys to unlock your life’s purpose.

Overcome Obstacles: We will work together to tackle challenges and equip you with tools for success.

Dream Beyond Limits: I encourage you to dream big and plant the seeds of possibility.

Letting Go Gracefully: You’ll learn to release the past with grace and mercy.

Establish Healthy Boundaries: I will be a supportive challenger in setting clear and healthy boundaries.

Choose Peace and Contentment: I point you towards peace and contentment, no matter your past.

Craft an Authentic Life: I can help you create a meaningful life of service and satisfaction.

Celebrate Your Wins: I help you recognize and celebrate every victory, big or small.

Inspiration for Your Vision: I inspire and guide you to create the life you desire.

There is freedom waiting for you on the breezes of the sky. And you ask. What if I fall? Oh but my darling what if you fly?

“I greatly appreciate being able to work with a life coach who comes from a similar religious background who has found a way through the maze and is willing to lend a hand to guide others toward the light of freedom. I’m also grateful that, unlike former modern “therapeutic” experiences I’ve encountered, we do not spend endless months/years (and dollars!) reliving & parsing old traumas. The wounds are respectfully assessed and acknowledged, then simple effective treatment is offered so healing can begin immediately from the inside out.”

Heide Cox


Need support or have a challenge? Do you want to book a small group speaking engagement? Do you need one-on-one coaching?

Email us at: support@stronglifecommunity.com

Debra Marie Shafer, Founder of Healing Religious Trauma Coaching

Certified Life Purpose Coach

Healing Religious Trauma Coach

Certified Common Sense Psychology Coach

Unleashed Certificate

Exponential Life Coach

Transformations Certificate

Student of God’s Word

Seed Planter & Principles Teacher

Boundaries Mentor & Victory Celebrator

Encourager to All

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4

Copyright 2023 Catalyst Collective – A Benevolent Organization